We all used we all need:
We are talking about Plumbing - Heating - Cooling. We cannot live without, we need it in the work, at the Home and even when we going on Vacations or shopping. Did you imagen a Home without Toilets or Showers ? Even we cannot live without Air Conditioning or Heating. it’s a fat we all face.
We also need to Maintenance:
Over the time and used Toilets get clogs - Water pipes leaks - Air Conditioning fail - Heating System do not work when you must need it. We only remember a Plumber when Toilet get clogged - or When we notice a water damage or a high Water bill and the utility company send us a letter regarding to the high consume of water…. about the Air Conditioning System when in the middle of Summer our home is more warm than outside temperature.
Maintenance’s Agreements:
All Cool Heat Plumbing & General Contractor Inc. we understand you are busy and Days only have 24 Hours even when sometimes we need more longer days.. Plumbing Emergency Calls are spencer as Emergencies Call for Air Conditioning & Heating and we all know when you are working we received those unwanted calls “ Toilet is Clogged “ Air Conditioning stop Working… Well we came with an idea to make your life easy We Called “ Maintenance’s agreements “ Probably for the Same price or less you may Paid those unwanted Emergencies Calls We take care all your Plumbing System as well as your Cooling & Heating System All year long. “ Good idea “ No more worries we can prevents those Emergencies and they high Cost.. For only 199.95 a Year.. Give us a Call to set your Maintenance’s Agreement Now This offer is only for limited time.. Give us a Call at 407-461-0301 more info about us at www.certifiedquality.org
Contractors you can Count On
Tips on improving Your Air Conditioning System
Your Air Conditioning systems take significant portion of your Energy Cost it work most the time in the Summer season also in the Winter season Today we cannot live without Air Conditioning or Heating systems We can do a few things to maximize its efficiency and lifespan as well as reduce energy consumption. All Cool Heat Plumbing & General Contractor Inc. share the following tips:
Clean of replace Your HVAC Filter
Over the time and used Air Conditioning filters get dirty and restricted the air flow of the units causing big Air Flow Issues and its the # 1 reason of Air Conditioning Failure
Clean the Vents
The Vents should likewise be clear of any kind obstructions. Most vents designs are created to be easily removed for cleaning. but be careful when doing so avoid damaging we recommend having them professionally cleaned
Don’t put off Scheduled inspections
We offer a maintenance’s program at All Cool Heat Plumbing & General Contractors Inc. Give us a Call and set your Annual Maintenances Schedule a Professionally service conducted to catch any issue affecting your Air Conditioning system more info about it visit our website at www.certifiedquality.org
Wing Stop Gas pipe work
Here we are using 2 inch Galvanized gas pipes.
Near, far, or wherever you are, there is no project where we can't reach you across the state of Florida.
Call us at 4074610301 Florida's number one State contractors, located in Orlando!
Leaking faucets
There is nothing like wasting water for no reason. Whether you are cautious of the environment, want more efficiency in your business or residence, a leaking faucet, diverter spout in your bath tub, or a commercial sink can add extra expenses in your water bill. Here at Certified Quality we are experts at detecting leaks and fixing them. Sometimes gaskets go bad and materials break after extensive use.
Just keep leaking.. just keep leaking..
call us 407-461-0301
We will stop the leaks!
Kitchen Hoods, Installation steps, and how to get started!
Kitchen hoods can be tedious in the stages of opening a restaurant or business. They are huge, need a lot of permits, and require tons of man hours to install properly. Here are a few steps/questions that can set you on the right track!
Do you have a layout or blueprint for the site? This is necessary for the city or county that your future restaurant is located in.
Know the kind of hood you need. What kind of restaurant are you wanting to open? Is it solely a pizza place? What and how many appliances do you need to use? Hint; for fryers and stoves you will need a type II kitchen hood.
Hoods can be pricey. Make sure the hood is certified!
Know that the Installation will be pricey as well.
Get the right size.. Very Crucial.
Once approved, you will need a General Contractor to pull the permits, a Mechanical License, a Fire Suppression System, a Plumbing License for gas hoods, and an Electrician. Yes, there are a lot of trades involved.
After inspections are passed and your restaurant is ready start cooking!
“The Sky is the Limit! ”
New Sink Install From a Local Gas Station
Preparing the space for the new sink
After (Sink Install not complete)
The sink install also includes a grease trap, the water connections, and proper ventilation. There are shut off valves below the sink that are easy to access.
Gas lines for Restaurants and Residential locations
It is extremely important that you choose professionals that have experience in installing Natural or LP gas. Certified Quality has been doing gas for a while as demonstrated in the gallery link on www.certifiedquality.org
Here's what we do
- We ensure that our gas lines are abiding the Florida Code.
- Each install is tested thoroughly in case of any leaks or loose pipes
- We use both Teflon and Pipe compound to provide a tight seal and to lessen the chances of a leak in the future.
- A coat of paint is added upon the clients request when the job is complete.
- All inspections are passed and Certified.
- We come early and leave late on all our projects.
- We handle hooking up all appliances such as, fryers and stoves, so you won't have to worry.
Call us! 4074610301
Gas lines
Plumbing Company Orlando
Certified Quality has years of experience installing gas lines. This is no easy task specially with the increased liability and responsibility of doing a good finished job. Gas lines should be done according to the Florida code. This includes a leak test, and commercial uses, special hanger supports. Here at Certified Quality, we ensure a professional finish with a no leak guarantee.
visit our website at www.certifiedquality.org or call us at 407-461-0301
Plumbing Company
Certified Quality Toilet Installation
The following image shows the final step of a toilet install. Before this image was taken, a heavy duty drain snake was used in order to unclog the plumbing lines. The build up of latex gloves and paper towels could really clog a toilet. This is not so much an issue for residential locations as it is for commercial restaurants and businesses. Prevent clogs by creating signs warning costumers and employees not to flush paper towels down the toilet. Even high pressured toilets get clogged. Prevention is the best tool. The second best tool is a plumbing company that is willing to make your business or home "bathroom ready".
Out with the Old and in with the New
Brand new toilet ready for use. For a link to the drain snake procedure before the install click here or visit our website's plumbing section at www.certifiedquality.org.
Our Preventive Maintenance Agreements
Air Conditioner doesn't cool? Don't wait for the Emergency to occur
The PM services agreement is a way to know what is going on with your A/C system for one low price.We will come out 2 times a year providing check ups and troubleshooting so you have a peace-of-mind knowing your system is running well. This plan can help you save money in the future by assuring you that all the components in your unit or system are maintained.
Whats included in the PM service?
Test and calibrate thermostat
Measure operating temperatures
Visual inspection of accessible ductwork
Lubricate motors and fan beatings
Check motor operation
Inspect evaporator and clean coil
Inspect and clean condenser coil
Monitor System freon pressures
Visual inspection for refrigerant leaks
Inspect all electrical connections
Measure voltage and amperage
Check safety controls
Clear condensate drain lines
Check for abnormal noise
Check for corrosion
Check for excessive vibration
Inspect and adjust fan belt
Priority Services