Tips on improving Your Air Conditioning System

Your Air Conditioning systems take significant portion of your Energy Cost it work most the time in the Summer season also in the Winter season Today we cannot live without Air Conditioning or Heating systems We can do a few things to maximize its efficiency and lifespan as well as reduce energy consumption. All Cool Heat Plumbing & General Contractor Inc. share the following tips:

  1. Clean of replace Your HVAC Filter

    Over the time and used Air Conditioning filters get dirty and restricted the air flow of the units causing big Air Flow Issues and its the # 1 reason of Air Conditioning Failure

  2. Clean the Vents

    The Vents should likewise be clear of any kind obstructions. Most vents designs are created to be easily removed for cleaning. but be careful when doing so avoid damaging we recommend having them professionally cleaned

  3. Don’t put off Scheduled inspections

    We offer a maintenance’s program at All Cool Heat Plumbing & General Contractors Inc. Give us a Call and set your Annual Maintenances Schedule a Professionally service conducted to catch any issue affecting your Air Conditioning system more info about it visit our website at